When you need a secure storage solution for a lot of people and space is at a premium, Storage Lockers and Storage Cabinets by Premier Lockers are perfect for your needs. Our premium Storage Lockers are the perfect solution if your requirements need to scale to accommodate increased users.
Made from heavy duty gauge steel, they are perfect for schools, workplaces and more.
Made from 100% recyclable steel, our Storage Lockers come in 2,3 or 4 shelf configurations, resulting in a system that suits your requirements perfectly.
ST1015 Stationery Cabinet – 2 Shelves 1015H x 914W x 463D
ST1830 Stationery Cabinet – 3 Shelves 1830H x 914W x 463D
ST2000 Stationery Cabinet – 4 Shelves 2000H x 914W x 463D